Student project

The Pomace Project

Project goal

The primary goal is to reduce food waste, while at the same time change our perception of what fruits and vegetables can be. Is an apple round, red and juicy - or is it dry, crispy and rich on fibres? Is it a snack - or is it a spice? Topping for breakfast or salad? Our product is for sure playful - it encourages people to decide what it is to them.


A team member tried to make vegetarian meatballs from his own juice leftovers, It didn't end well and tasted nasty. The idea was born! We researched on what happens to the pomace from big juice factories and cideries, they basically throw it away. We decided to visit a juice factory to follow their daily processing and juice production from local apples and got some pomace. We went to the kitchen and talked to the competent team that runs it to be able to prototype in the lab. The rest is story.


We are making a crispy apple sheet that can be used as a topping for yoghurt, salad or as a between meal snack. It is up to the user him/herself.

Follow the Pomace Project's development on their Instagram @thepomaceproject!